Here’s what my configuration looked like: If you just have a few files, put them in a folder and tell BasiliskIIGui to share that. Hdiutil convert Performa\ 640\ HD.dmg -format RdWr -o ~/Desktop/Performa.img I did so with this command line ( citation): Since I was working with a disk image, I had to convert it from. Download MacStartupImage and Performa ROM from Redundant Robot’s SheepSaver Tutorial.Download both files from the BasiliskII github page.The answer, then, is to run an old Mac emulator! There are several 68k Mac emulators out there, but I had my best luck with BasiliskII. This means that it’s found the ClarisWorks application on my old hard disk, but the program is so ancient that it cannot be run (Apple has gone through two CPU changes and one complete OS rewrite since ClarisWorks 3 was written). It says that my computer cannot run ClarisWorks.
The dialog doesn’t say that no program can read the file. Here was the message I got when I double-clicked one of my Claris Works docs: I quickly ran into my own version of the Digital Dark Age: how to read these ancient files? I spent enough time figuring this out that I owe it to the web to write up the process. Back then we used ClarisWorks for all of our word processing needs.
I recently found a disk image I made from an old, circa 1997 hard drive. 05.21.12 Reading ClarisWorks 3 Documents in Mac OS X